Download the Ahiflower Science and Omega Category Insights Whitepaper to see how this unique ingredient can help separate, move, and make money with your next nutraceutical product

Ready to grow a new product containing a new unique ingredient that yields quicker ROI and unimagineable results?

Find Product Launch Success with the Newest Omega Crop on the Block

There's not much else you could want out of a unique ingredient. Ahiflower® has the story, freshness in the market, efficacy, and science all grown up in one powerful vegan Omega 3-6-9. Separate your next product instantly with Ahiflower®.


You need to separate your product from the rest of your category. Blend your company’s mad formulation skills with this new unique ingredient and oh-my-gosh we’re ready to grow.


The Ahiflower® story, efficacy, & science mixed with your awesome strategy, marketing & supply chain prowess will be all your product needs to experience a full bloom.

Cash Crop

Partnering with Stratum, blended with Ahiflower® & your company's vision, can provide a unique product within your category that yields a profitable harvest for your company.

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